Sherman Ex-学生 Association Awards Information - Find the Distinguished Student/Teacher Nominati

  • The Distinguished Teachers and 学生 for 2015 have been selected by the Board. These awards are presented by members of the Board of Directors at the Sherman Ex-学生 年度会议/Awards Luncheon. 收件人是:

    Distinguished Educator 2023: 


    Distinguished 学生 2023: 

    Virginia Garrard (1976)
    David Mathews (1984)
    Chris Ramsey (1976)
    Debbie Sharp (1984)

    Congratulations to all of the above teachers and students! Your awards were received based not only on your teaching and job abilities, but also on how you performed in your communities by assisting others and making yourself available when needed. Your achievements reflect very favorably on the Sherman Independent School District.



    Distinguished 学生 or Teachers are nominated by the membership, with forms going out with the May issue of The Bearcat Bulletin.