SMS Library Policies

  • Circulation Policies

    • Students may check out 1 book at a time.
    • Checkout is for 2 weeks.  If books are not returned after the 2 week period, they are considered overdue.
    • A students may not check out another book if they have books that have not been returned.  This includes books from other campuses.
    • Students are responsible for books checked out in their name.  Students must pay for books that are lost or damaged.

    Library Hours

    • The library opens every school day at 8am and closes at 4pm.  The only time we close during the day is during advisory.



    • Please sign in when you enter the library and give your pass to the library aide.  Don't forget to take your signed pass back to class when you leave.
    • Turn in books in the slot by the door.
    • Please be respectful and use a quiet voice...other students are studying.
    • No food, drinks or cell phones are allowed in the library.
    • Please use the library for study, reading, research or homework.
    • Be sure and ask for help when needed....that's why we are here!